Setting IP address on Ubuntu Linux by David Papkin

This post by David Papkin will focus on setting IP addresses with Ubuntu Linux without the GUI

There are several ways to set an IP address in Linux.

Which connection do I use for my static IP?

So, lets have a look at our current network information, open a terminal and type/copy the following command:

ifconfig -a

This will show which interfaces are available. We will use eth3 for this post.

ifconfig ip address





We will set eth3 IP address on space

1) We can manually set the values using an editor such as vi or nano.

sudo viĀ /etc/network/interfaces

VI command by David Papkin

a) VI command

setIPwithVI IP adress









Some people may find vi difficult to use, so nano is an easier alternative, if your system has this utility installed.

b) nano

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

setIPwithNANO by David Papkin ip address







After you edit /etc/network/interfaces file, you must restart the networkign service

sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

2) you can use the ifconfig command to set the IP values

setIPwithIFCONFIG by David Papkin ip address



This concludes this post by David Papkin will focus on setting IP addresses with Ubuntu Linux without the GUI


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