Microsoft Azure info by David Papkin

David Papkin - David Mark Papkin

David Papkin photo

This page by David Papkin contains links about Microsoft Azure.

Microsoft Azure is a collection of services that you can use to build and operate cloud-based applications and IT infrastructure. Azure services are hosted in a global network of data centers that Microsoft technicians manage 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and offer various availability service-level agreement (SLA) for compute services.

Azure services enable you to:

  • Create and operate cloud-based applications by using a wide range of commonly used tools and frameworks.  Host workloads in the cloud on Azure PaaS and IaaS infrastructure that consists of virtual machines and virtual networks.
  • Integrate cloud-based services with on-premises infrastructure.

To use Azure services, you require a subscription. You can sign up for a subscription as an individual or as an organization and then pay only for the services you use.

How to find out Region names

  1. Open Cloud Shell in Powershell mode.
Get-AzureRmLocation |Format-Table

To find out what VM sizes are available in your region

  1. Open Cloud Shell in Powershell mode.
  2. wget
  3. ./Get-AvailableSku -Location enteryourlocationhere
    for example ./Get-AvailableSku -Location westus
Try Get-Help ./Get-AvailableSku for more details.

Redeem Azure Pass

Azure Free  Trial currently supported regions for VM creation are West US, West US 2, West Europe, Japan East, South India, Central India, Korea South, Korea Central.

Azure Free Trial

Licensing Azure for the Enterprise

Pay as you go

Download or view your Azure billing invoice and daily usage data

Azure regions

Regions for virtual machines in Azure

Azure Region Pairs

Open cloudshell   and type

az account list-locations –output table / Get-AzLocation to list the regions.

Business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR): Azure Paired Regions

Azure subscription and service limits, quotas, and constraints

Azure resource providers and types

Azure Tips and tricks

Active Directory

Azure Active Directory

An administrative unit can contain only users and groups.Requires P1 /P2 license. Administrative units in Azure Active Directory 

Managed domain services such as domain join, group policy, LDAP and Kerberos/NTLM authentication. What is Azure Active Directory Domain Services?

Create or update a dynamic group in Azure Active Directory

Tutorial: Add or remove group members automatically

Application and service principal objects in Azure Active Directory

Lab – Implement Directory Synchronization using Github Template

Azure Advisor

Introduction to Azure Advisor

Advisor Cost recommendations


HDinsight – Easy, cost-effective, enterprise-grade service for open source analytics


Application management with Azure Active Directory

How and why applications are added to Azure AD

Tutorial: Azure Active Directory integration with GitHub

Microsoft Identity Platform

Application Gateway

Application Gateway configuration overview

Frequently asked questions about Application Gateway

Azure Arc

Intro to Azure Arc


This article below describes the different authentication flows provided by Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL). These flows can be used in a variety of different application scenarios.

Authentication flows

This article below describes authentication flows and the application scenarios that they’re used in.

Authentication flows and application scenarios

Suitable scenarios for the OAuth2 implicit grant

The OAuth2 specification declares that the implicit grant has been devised to enable user-agent applications – that is to say, JavaScript applications executing within a browser.

Authentication basics

How to: Create a Security Token Service


Get started with Desired State Configuration (DSC) for Linux

Start/Stop VMs during off-hours solution in Azure Automation


Excellent pdf about Azure Resiliency

Business continuity with data resiliency

What are Availability Zones in Azure?

Azure Availability Zones

Azure Availability Sets

Azure Dedicated Hosts

Change the availability set for a Windows VM

Set Azure Resource Manager VM AvailabilitySet

Manage the availability of Windows virtual machines in Azure

Manage the availability of virtual machines

Overview of autoscale with Azure virtual machine scale sets

Working with large virtual machine scale sets

Create a virtual machine scale set that uses Availability Zones

Azure AD Connect

With Azure AD Connect cloud sync, provisioning from AD to Azure AD is orchestrated in Microsoft Online Services. An organization only needs to deploy, in their on-premises or IaaS-hosted environment, a light-weight agent that acts as a bridge between Azure AD and AD. The provisioning configuration is stored in Azure AD and managed as part of the service.

What is Azure AD Connect cloud sync?

Azure AD Connect Cloud Sync video

Azure AD Sync Connect issue with permission error 8344

Connecting to a scale set using RDP

How to connect to a scale set

If the quickstart above doesnt allow you to RDP because no NSG  was created that allows RDP, please do the following to create the NSG and try RDP again

  1. Create NSG in Same Resource Group and Location as VMSS
  2. Create Inbound Rule allowing RDP ANY ANY TCP 3389
  3. Associate it to the Subnet

Modify a virtual machine scale set

Azure Marketplace

Azure Github

Azure Resource Manager vs. classic deployment


AWS to Azure services comparison

Azure for AWS Professionals

Azure Blueprints

Azure Blueprints Overview

Quickstart: Define and assign a blueprint in the portal

Tutorial: Create an environment from a blueprint sample

Azure Command prompt

To change regions for cloudshell

  1. Open Cloud Shell in Powershell mode.
  2. get-clouddrive
  3. dismount-clouddrive
  • Select “Show Advanced setings”  to select “Cloud Shell region”

Azure CloudShell overview

Launch Azure Cloud Shell

How to install Azure CLI

Azure Cross-Platform Command Line Interface

How to set Azure BASH to a specific Azure subscription

PowerShell Basics: Getting the right Azure Subscription in Azure Cloud Shell

Azure Architectural Pattern – Implementing Master-Slave Model in IaaS

Big Data

Big Data links (alot of useful info)

What is HDInsight?


This webpage is used to compare video and image load performance of CDN vs No CDN


Configure SQL Server Failover Cluster Instance on Azure Virtual Machines

Configure SQL Server Failover Cluster Instance on Azure Virtual Machines with MSDTC



Comparing Container Apps with other Azure container options


A technical overview of Azure Cosmos DB

Global data distribution with Azure Cosmos DB – overview

What is Azure SQL Database service

Explaining Consistency levels through Baseball

Consistency levels in Azure Cosmos DB

Different types of Databases

Document storedocument-oriented database systems, are characterized by their schema-free organization of data.
Graph DBMS – represent data in graph structures as nodes and edges, which are relationships between nodes. They allow easy processing of data in that form, and simple calculation of specific properties of the graph, such as the number of steps needed to get from one node to another node.
Key-value storesimplest form of database management systems. They can only store pairs of keys and values, as well as retrieve values when a key is known.

These simple systems are normally not adequate for complex applications. On the other hand, it is exactly this simplicity, that makes such systems attractive in certain circumstances. For example resource-efficient key-value stores are often applied in embedded systems or as high performance in-process databases.

Wide column store (column base) – store data in records with an ability to hold very large numbers of dynamic columns. Since the column names as well as the record keys are not fixed, and since a record can have billions of columns, wide column stores can be seen as two-dimensional key-value stores.

Azure CosmosDB – Azure Cosmos DB is a fully-managed database service with turnkey global distribution and transparent multi-master replication.

Azure SQL – relational DB


Developer Guide

Using Swagger in Azure

Azure Service Fabric Demo

Microsoft Service Fabric Getting Started

Understanding serverless cold start

Markdown Cheatsheet

Diagnostics and logs

Overview on Alerts

Audit and receive notifications about important actions in your Azure subscription

Alerts on activity log

Resource Manager vs Service Manager

Restore a deleted Azure SQL Database

How to Use SSH keys with Windows on Azure


What is Azure Private DNS?

How to visualize your Azure resources

View the topology of an Azure virtual network

How can I map my existing Azure ARM resources visually?

Azure Resource Manager Template Visualisation with ARMVIZ


Configure cryptographic key auto-rotation in Azure Key Vault

Automate the rotation of a secret for resources that have two sets of authentication credentials

Entra  – Microsoft Entra ID is a cloud-based identity and access management service

.Azure Entra



ExpressRoute encryption: IPsec over ExpressRoute for Virtual WAN

Front Door

Azure Front Door Overview

Front Door routing methods

Quickstart: Create a Front Door for a highly available global web application

Frequently asked questions for Azure Front Door


What is FSLogix?

Identity Management

Online JSON Viewer

Online JSON Viewer


Key Vault

Tutorial: Use Azure Key Vault with a virtual machine in .NET


50 days from zero to hero with Kubernetes (Tutorials)

kubectl Cheat Sheet

Azure Containers Step by step tutorials

Getting started with Containers. Tips and Tricks

Quickstart: Deploy a container instance in Azure using the Azure CLI

Quickstart: Deploy a container instance in Azure using Azure PowerShell

Quickstart: Deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster using the Azure portal

Use Virtual Kubelet with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Tutorial: Create a container image for deployment to Azure Container Instances

Windows Containers on Windows 10

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Kubernetes basics

Intro to Kubernetes

Load Balancing

Azure Load Balancing Solutions: A guide to help you choose the correct option

What is Azure Load Balancer?

Quickstart: Create a public load balancer to load balance VMs using the Azure portal

Load Balancer outbound rules

Application Gateway

Quickstart: Direct web traffic with Azure Application Gateway – Azure portal

How a server in backend pool can listen on multiple ports using fqdn in Application Gateway

Log Analytics

Log Analytics agent overview


Query Azure Storage analytics logs in Azure Log Analytics


SendGrid Overview


Azure Migrate

Tutorial: Move Azure VMs across regions


Azure Virtual Network frequently asked questions

Step-By-Step: Configuring a site-to-site VPN Gateway between Azure and On-Premise

Configure a VNet-to-VNet VPN gateway connection by using the Azure portal

Add a Site-to-Site connection to a VNet with an existing VPN gateway connection

Tutorial: Create a Site-to-Site connection using Azure Virtual WAN

Create, change, or delete a virtual network

vnet peering

Optimize network throughput for Azure virtual machines

Linux and Windows networking performance enhancements | Accelerated Networking

Network Security Groups

Azure Firewall

Move existing VM to new VNET

VPN Gateways

VPN Gateway Pricing

VNET Peering

Traffic Manager endpoints

Azure Load Balancing Solutions: A guide to help you choose the correct option

Azure Load Balancer new distribution mode

Load Balancer outbound rules

Bastion Host

Useful explanation of NVA

Tutorial: Route network traffic with a route table using the Azure portal


Overview of Oracle Applications and solutions on Azure


Get compliance data of Azure resources


Azure PowerShell documentation

Install Azure PowerShell Module In Windows 10

Quickstart: Create a virtual network using PowerShell

Quickstart: Create a public load balancer using Azure PowerShell

Azure Resource Manager Cmdlets

How to install and configure Azure PowerShell

Azure Powershell – Current Storage Account error when making a new VM

Using Azure PowerShell with Azure Resource Manager

Manage Azure AD using Windows PowerShell

Configuring the Storage Client with Connection Strings

Use the Azure Storage Emulator for Development and Testing

Weekend Scripter: Getting Started with Windows Azure and PowerShell

Installing the Windows Azure AD Module for Windows PowerShell

How to Snapshot and Restore Virtual Machines Running on Windows Azure

Office 365 how to run PowerShell commands on behalf of your customers

Cannot install Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell. MOSSIA is not installed

Error when trying to install Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell

Windows Azure: Virtual Machines & Affinity Groups

Microsoft Azure Web Sites Cheat Sheet

Azure Friday Video series


Step-by-Step: Get Started with Windows Azure Active Directory

Quickstart for PowerShell in Azure Cloud Shell

The ‘Connect-AzAccount’ command was found in the module ‘Az.Accounts’, but the module could not be loaded. For more information, run ‘Import-Module Az.Accounts’.

Privileged Identity Management (PIM)

Assign eligibility for a privileged access group (preview) in Privileged Identity Management


Azure Quickstart Center is a guided experience in the Azure portal available to anyone who wants to improve their knowledge of Azure. For organizations new to Azure, it’s the fastest way to onboard and set up your cloud environment.

Get started with the Azure Quickstart Center


Resource Manager Overview


Microsoft Cybersecurity Reference Architectures

CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations Benchmark

Azure Policy and Blueprints

Microsoft Security Response Center

Azure Device Management

Use Azure Monitor to integrate with SIEM tools

Trusted cloud

Microsoft Privacy Statement

Azure encryption overview

Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)

Understand secure, Azure-managed workstations

Privileged Access Workstations

Overview of enterprise security in Azure HDInsight

Security Center

Log Analytics agent overview

Secure your management ports with just-in-time access (with Demos) Very good! 

JIT explained

Microsoft Azure – Just-in-time (JIT) Deep Dive


Serverless computing

How are serverless computing and Platform-as-a-Service different? | PaaS vs. Serverless

Azure Sizing tool

Two tools to help move a virtual or physical workload to Azure

Create and upload a Windows Server VHD to Azure


Azure Storage redundancy

How to add versioning support to Azure File Storage

Larger, more powerful Managed Disks for Azure Virtual Machines

Managed disk vs Unmanaged disk

Converting Azure Managed Disks to Unmanaged

Creating And Restoring Azure Virtual Machine Snapshots For UnManaged Disks

About disks storage for Azure Windows VMs

Azure Storage Accounts: How to plan your architecture to speed up blob transfers

Azure Storage replication

Azure Blob Storage Part 7: Snapshots

Understanding Block Blobs, Append Blobs, and Page Blobs


Data transfer for large datasets with low or no network bandwidth

Azure Databox


Compare StorSimple with Azure File Sync and Data Box Edge data transfer options


Support plans


Understand the structure and syntax of ARM templates

Create Resource Manager parameter file


Network adapter Disabled on windows azure virtual machine (how to reactivate)


Azure App Service, Virtual Machines, Service Fabric, and Cloud Services comparison

Manage FTP Deployment Credentials

Manage FTP credential using Powershell

Is there a way to disable all functions in a deployment slot?

Set up staging environments in Azure App Service

Helpful Azure  learning links

A collection of Azure Exam Resources

Microsoft Azure Forums  The Azure forums are very active. You can search the threads for a
specific area of interest. You can also browse categories like Azure Storage, Pricing
and Billing, Azure Virtual Machines, and Azure Migrate.

Azure Architecture Center  Gain access to the Azure Application Architecture Guide,
Azure Reference Architectures, and the Cloud Design Patterns.

Microsoft Learning Community Blog  Get the latest information the certification
tests and exam study groups.  Channel 9 provides a wealth of informational videos, shows, and

Azure Tuesdays With Corey  Corey Sanders answers your questions about
Microsoft Azure – Virtual Machines, Web Sites, Mobile Services, Dev/Test etc.

Azure Fridays  Join Scott Hanselman as he engages one-on-one with the engineers
who build the services that power Microsoft Azure as they demo capabilities,
answer Scott’s questions, and share their insights.

Microsoft Azure Blog  Keep current on what’s happening in Azure, including what’s
now in preview, generally available, news & updates, and more.

Azure Tips & Tricks– – Michael Crump – Special collection of over 260+ tips, videos, conference talks that span the entire universe of the Azure platform.

End of David Papkin Microsoft Azure page.

David Papkin favorite movies

Robert Deniro in GoodFellas

Ava Gardner in Singapore (Flim Noir)

Clarke Gable in China Seas