This David Papkin post explains how to create Azure Data Factory from the Azure Cloudshell
Open the Azure Cloudshell (can be found at the Azure Portal top title bar in the middle)
PS Azure:\>Get-AzResourceGroup
Note: Replace xxx with your initials
ResourceGroupName : awrgstudxxx
Location : southeastasia
PS Azure:\> $resourceGroupName = “awrgstudxxx”
PS Azure:\> $dataFactoryName = “xxx-data-factory”
PS Azure:\> Get-AzResourceGroup
PS Azure:\> $ResGrp = GET-AzResourceGroup $resourceGroupName -location ‘SOUTHEAST ASIA’
PS Azure:\> echo $RESGRP // this will show the contents of this variable to make sure not NULL
ResourceGroupName : awrgstudxxx
Location : southeastasia
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
PS Azure:\> $DataFactory = Set-AzDataFactoryV2 -ResourceGroupName $ResGrp.ResourceGroupName `
>> -Location $ResGrp.Location -Name $dataFactoryName
PS Azure:\> echo $datafactory // this will show the contents of this variable to make sure not NULL
DataFactoryName : xxx-data-factory
DataFactoryId : /subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx/resourceGroups/awrgstuddp/providers/Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/dmp-data-factory
ResourceGroupName : awrgstudxxx
Location : southeastasia
Tags : {}
Identity : Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.FactoryIdentity
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Github Quickstart: Create an Azure data factory using PowerShell
End of David Papkin post How to create Azure Data Factory from the Azure Cloudshell
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