VMware links

This David Papkin page has information about VMware.  The majority of the links are from VMware, whenever possible.


vSphere 7.0 Configuration Limits

VMware vSphere Version Comparison

Disk partition layout for esxi in vSphere 7

Configurig Vcenter Server 7 Overview

Understanding Network File System Datastores

vSphere HA Overview

vVols cormachogan.com


vSphere 6.7 Configuration Limits

vSphere Availability Guide

vSphere Security

Securing Virtual Machines

VMware Security Hardening Guide

Configuring vCenter Server 6.7

Purging old data from the database used by vCenter Server (1025914)

Log In to the vCenter Server Appliance Management Interface

Using the Appliance Management Interface to Configure the vCenter Server Appliance

Create and Edit Alarms

VMCP (VM Component Protection)

Overhead Memory on Virtual Machines


vmware hardening guide

vSphere Client(HTML5) and vSphere Web Client 6.5 FAQ (2147929)

What’s New in vSphere 6.5: vCenter management clients

VMware vSphere 6.5 – HTML5 Web Client and More

Hardware Features Available with Virtual Machine Compatibility Settings


vSphere Client (HTML5) and vSphere Web Client 6.5 FAQ (2147929)

esxi 6.0 links

Version Agnostic 

VMFS FIle System overhead

vSphere Command-Line Interface Reference

Top 20 esxcli commands to know

List of most common VMware esxi SSH/CLI commands

How to use vim-cmd with virtual machines

VMware ESXi vim-cmd Command: A Quick Tutorial

Introduction to the Data Center CLI

VMware vSAN

Hardware Features Available with Virtual Machine Compatibility Settings

Enabling esxi VAAI support for Synology NAS

Maximizing VM Performance and CPU Utilization

Best Practices for Oversubscription of CPU, Memory and Storage


Backing up ESXi host configuration data

free GUI esxi backup tool

vxlan basics

PowerPath/VE for VMware vSphere

DRS Entitlement Viewer



Title Location
vSphere Installation and Setup https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/6.7/vsphere-vcenter-server-67-installation-guide.pdf
vCenter Server and Host Management https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/6.7/vsphere-esxi-vcenter-server-67-host-management-guide.pdf
vSphere Virtual Machine Administration https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/6.0/vsphere-esxi-vcenter-server-601-virtual-machine-admin-guide.pdf
vSphere Networking https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/6.7/vsphere-esxi-vcenter-server-67-networking-guide.pdf
vSphere Security https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/index.html
vSphere Resource Management https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/6.7/vsphere-esxi-vcenter-server-67-resource-management-guide.pdf
vSphere Availability https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/6.7/vsphere-esxi-vcenter-server-67-availability-guide.pdf
vSphere Monitoring and Performance https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/index.html

Documentation for vSphere: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/index.html

VMware Configuration Maximums: https://configmax.vmware.com/home

VMware vSphere Blog: http://blogs.vmware.com/vsphere/

VMware Communities: http://communities.vmware.com

VMware Support: http://www.vmware.com/support

VMware Education: http://www.vmware.com/education

VMware Certification: https://www.vmware.com/education-services/certification.html

VMware Education and Certification Blog: http://blogs.vmware.com/education/

VMware vRealize Log Insight Documentation