To enable VMware VAAI on your NFS datastores, you need to install Synology NFS VAAI Plug-in on each ESXi host. NFS VAAI Plug-in can be installed directly on an ESXi server from the command line, or through the VMware Update…
Configured msloopback adapter with GNS3
Installed loopback adaptor but could not connect CLOUD icon with routers, gave error about being unable to create generic ethernet NIO . Need to reboot the PC after installing loopback adapter. Consistent behavior on 2 different PC After reboot was…
Honeypot and took and passed the CEH exam.
CEH day 1
CEH day 1 .footprinting, scanning, enumeration
20409D Day 5
Operation Manager, and backups using DPM
20409 day 3 .
Taught 20409 day 3 .fail over cluster and vmm
Teaching 20409 Day 3
nlb, failover clustering, System Center VMM